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  • Writer's pictureSean Sirianni

Episode 208 feat Air Bud (Creator/Director Robert Vince)

Today we are joined with the creator and director of Air Bud (Robert Vince) for an in depth talk about the creation of the series! We learn how finding this extraordinary dog inspired the film, get some behind the scene details on both the creative and business side with Disney, hear some touching stories how these movies have effected peoples lives, while also getting Roberts perspective on the current state of the film industry as he leaves us with some solid advice for anyone who wants to bring a big idea to life. We unexpected go deep! (I assumed we were just gonna talk about some dog basketball and it turned out to be one of our best interviews).

As of now you can watch every Air Bud and Air Buddies film on Disney Plus, and stay tuned for some brand new Air Bud tales in the near future.


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